Here you will find several of the design projects I have created in some of my college design classes.  These are to show how capable I am at graphic design and can use what I have learned from these projects. Some may need to be changed, but that aside, feel free to take a look at them. The images may appear to be duplicated, but they're actually meant to be displayed with one in RGB and one in CMYK each.
Newsletters, both in print and online, are one of the most common layout projects and truly test a student's ability to apply what they have learned. This project will also help prepare you for advanced graphic design classes. A newsletter can be simply described as a publication with information directly related to the interest of a subscriber. Newsletters may have both print and online formats. Online newsletters may be daily or weekly because production time is much quicker digitally. Printed newsletters tend to be monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.
Branding Project
The Branding Project, as it’s name applies, focuses on the branding of a company. In this case, the project covers the branding for S.G. Love Planetarium, a fictional kids science center in Eugene, Oregon. This required of all things branding for the company, from the logo to the annual report.
Type Figure
The first project of this class involves creting a figure with type using a photograph. The following images I could use for the figure are either images of people or animals and has to be the entire figure. One other thing to note is that the figure has to be made with the type from a phrase that also is included with the project but will focus on the figure. The type for this project can only be to adjust both its placement and size.
Newspaper Ad
Moving onward to the second project, this one covers a newspaper advertisement for a travel agency. While being provided with a name of the company along with their address and contact information, everything else which are the headline, five services with relating titles and prices, an illustration or an image that relates to the follwing five services, and a border to seperate the ads will all be done by me in black ink.
Getting onto the third project, this one involves designing a fill-out order form for a fictional cake company. The name of this company was given to me along with the following restrictions: Use typography ONLY on the logo, no bleeds on the form, and must be made in black ink only, except for 4558. To replicate a carbon copy form, the form will be printed on white, yellow, and pink paper with only the white paper being signed.
With the fourth projcet now upon me, this one involves creating an all-type poster for Salt Lake Community College's "DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION". To get more context on this, I have looked up what the following words mean and then went ahead into looking at what SLCC is doing to support these ideas. In addition, the poster also requires a quote from an author, journalist, celebrity, or even myself and five colors, four that are already given to me and then one I can utilize for myself.
Now onto the fifth and final project, the semester-long zine that covers the COVID-19 pandemic and it allows me to control both the story and the theme. There are quite a lot of requirements that had to be utilized for thie project, from illustrated characters to other requirements along the way. Being a person who had a bit of an interesting time during the pandemic, I'll see what I can do with this.
The first project of the ART-2240 Package Design class is a cylinder package. This project involves creating a package for a baking mix, the design must also have a front that should be recognizable, a lid covering the lip and a glue tab. It could be any of the following mix types as listed on canvas: muffin, cake, brownie, cornbread, pancake, waffle, etc. but there a nutrition label must be included somewhere in the cylinder for this is a food product.
The second project of the ART-2240 Package Design class is a bag. The bag will be bulbs, not light bulbs, but plant bulbs. To be specific, the plant bulbs for the bag will be for flowers and will therefore not be edible bulbs.
The third project of the ART-2240 Package Design class is a box. It will be a Gable styled box for a sleepwear product from a company called Carson & Cole and must be for a specific target audience. For my take on the sleepwear for the box, I want it to be promoted as a leisure, breathable, sleep, elastic and comfortable type of sleepwear.
The fourth project of the ART-2240 Package Design class is a kitsch (pronouned kich). Like all of the other projects, this will have to be a design of a package for a certain product. But what makes this project so unique is that the design of the packaging and the product for the packaging can be whatever you want just as long as it is obscure or absurd.
The fifth and final project of the ART-2240 Package Design class is a Magnet. The project will involve making a magnet out of ourselves with some accessories while also resembling ourselves. With inspiration used from paper dolls, I can tell this will be a fun project.
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